Professional Food Stylist
In New Delhi, India
Praerna Kartha is a professional food stylist working in the New Delhi & Gurgaon area. She works primarily in the area of food, beverages and product. With over a decade of experience, she has worked with some of the top food & hospitality brands in the country on all kinds of assignments that include advertising, digital films, packaging photography, menu photography and more.

Praerna is a food stylist based in New Delhi, India.
With a keen eye for colour, texture, composition and style, Praerna started her food styling journey over a decade ago. A background in advertising and media has helped her to be deeply in-tune with the finer details of visual communication.
She enjoys trying various approaches to figure out what makes food look the most appealing to the camera. Making the same-old-dish look brand new, fresh and inviting is her favourite challenge and she lives for she satisfaction that it brings her.
As a food stylist, I will work with you and your brand to create images with look fresh & inviting to the camera and, in turn, irresistible to the viewer. From food preparation & plating to specialised prop + ingredient sourcing; from recipe development to recipe testing; from food & product styling to visual communication ideas; If you own a restaurant or food brand, get in touch to explore the possibilities of us working together.Explore the portfolio to see my work. It has been used in packaging, menus, billboards, internet advertising and much more.

Food Preparation & Plating
As a stylist, my skill lies in making the food look fresh and inviting to the camera and, in turn, irresistible to the viewer.

Diverse Image Capabilities
I work with your brief to make sure that the food imagery follows YOUR brand’s look-and-feel as well as making sure it is suited to your communication needs.

Specially Sourced Props & Ingredients
I have a large inventory of props but I also source special props and fresh ingredients as per the requirements of the assignment.